Fish Out of Water
Animation Capstone 2014-2015, University of Washington
"Fish Out of Water" is a Global Shorts Award-winning 3D-animated short film that was the result of a 6-month animation capstone program led by director Barbara Mones and a team of about 25 people. Production spanned from January to June 2015. I worked as a concept artist/storyboard artist, led the texture/shading team, and worked on the look & feel and rendering teams.
"Fish Out of Water" is a Global Shorts Award-winning 3D-animated short film that was the result of a 6-month animation capstone program led by director Barbara Mones and a team of about 25 people. Production spanned from January to June 2015. I worked as a concept artist/storyboard artist, led the texture/shading team, and worked on the look & feel and rendering teams.
Title Formation
Our title screen needed to set the mood for the rest of the film, which required each letter to be individually animated. Above is the final result that appeared in the film.
I first tested different behaviors for each drop in order to find the right feel for the title. Afterwards, I was able to composite all of the individual letters and background drops to get the timing right. This animation was later turned into a mask and put in After Effects to achieve the watery look.
Our title screen needed to set the mood for the rest of the film, which required each letter to be individually animated. Above is the final result that appeared in the film.
I first tested different behaviors for each drop in order to find the right feel for the title. Afterwards, I was able to composite all of the individual letters and background drops to get the timing right. This animation was later turned into a mask and put in After Effects to achieve the watery look.
These storyboards were animated to test the general action and timing of a certain sequence.
These storyboards were animated to test the general action and timing of a certain sequence.
Concept Art
Polaroid Design
One important prop was a series of Polaroids from our protagonist's childhood. I first sketched out various compositions to see which most clearly communicated the happiness and innocence of his past. Then I began painting, each iteration responding to the previous iteration's feedback, until we ended up with the Polaroids that appeared in our film.
One important prop was a series of Polaroids from our protagonist's childhood. I first sketched out various compositions to see which most clearly communicated the happiness and innocence of his past. Then I began painting, each iteration responding to the previous iteration's feedback, until we ended up with the Polaroids that appeared in our film.
Character Designs
Prop Designs