University of Washington, Animation Capstone
November 2014
"Squeak" is a short 3D-animated film that was made as part of the University of Washington's animation capstone program. This was final project, giving us three weeks to put together all that we'd learned in Maya into a story based loosely on the game "Mousetrap".
My partners and I worked on the story, prop and set modeling, lighting, animation, texture/shading, rendering, editing, effects, and audio. My focus was on texture/shading, lighting, and audio.
November 2014
"Squeak" is a short 3D-animated film that was made as part of the University of Washington's animation capstone program. This was final project, giving us three weeks to put together all that we'd learned in Maya into a story based loosely on the game "Mousetrap".
My partners and I worked on the story, prop and set modeling, lighting, animation, texture/shading, rendering, editing, effects, and audio. My focus was on texture/shading, lighting, and audio.